Updated on 10/07/2024

All investing involves an element of risk. In a mutual fund investors trust their money to the fund manager whose team in turn invests it in securities linked to the financial market - equities, debt, and gold depending on the fund’s nature. And the market values of these keep moving which makes the returns from mutual funds subject to risk.

Risk overview

The risk in mutual funds investment mainly refers to the possibility of returns being different from what was originally expected. In other words risk indicates volatility of returns. Generally higher the return higher would be the risk associated with the investment. This relationship of risk and return is central to investing, which all investors should be aware of.

Fundamentally it works this way because investors who take on higher risk need to be compensated with higher returns. Thus although ‘risk’ commonly rings a negative connotation for investors, who believe it is to be avoided as much as possible, it is not necessarily an evil. By understanding and managing it investors can use it to their advantage in meeting their investment goals.

Understanding your risk appetite to choose investments

To be able to choose the right funds an investor needs to be aware of his/her risk appetite. Risk appetite refers to the ability and willingness of a person to tolerate loss of their investment. Individual risk tolerance is a very subjective matter and depends on one’s financial situation as well as psychological characteristics. 

An aggressive investor is prepared to take higher risk in anticipation of higher returns whereas a conservative investor would be content with low returns in return of lower risk. Therefore the products a person aged 50 years uses for building retirement corpus may be very different from what a person aged 35 years may choose for the same goal.

Generally speaking, amongst the securities that mutual funds’ portfolio are built of, the spectrum of risk would have cash and money market securities having the lowest risk at the left end, bonds and other debt securities in the middle and gold, equities at the right having the highest risk. 

 Risk Appetite

Aligning investments with your risk appetite is important for success. For an assessment of your risk profile and suggested investment portfolio kindly visit the Asset Allocation calculator.

Measures of risk in mutual funds

It’s important to understand the level of risk linked to an investment product while planning to employ it. Two funds giving similar returns may not be equally attractive as one can be significantly risky than the other. For you to be able to choose funds suiting your risk profile we have classified schemes of Quantum Mutual Fund based on their riskiness below. However first we present the basic risk measures commonly used to evaluate mutual funds - alpha, beta, r-squared and standard deviation.


Beta measures a fund’s volatility in comparison with the market. The volatility of the market is 1 by convention. For mutual funds their benchmark is taken to be the market.

A beta greater than 1 says the fund is more volatile than the market whereas beta less than 1 indicates it is less volatile than the market. For instance if a fund has beta 1.1 then it is 10% more volatile than its benchmark. This means when the benchmark’s return is 20% the fund’s return would be 22%.

Higher beta thus means higher risk. Conservative investors would seek funds with low beta levels.


Alpha measures a fund’s outperformance with respect to its benchmark. Technically it indicates a fund’s performance as measured by the difference in actual returns and the returns one would have expected based on its beta risk. So a positive alpha indicates a fund’s outperformance compared to what was expected based on its beta and a negative alpha tells a fund has underperformed than what its beta predicted.

In essence alpha represents the value a fund manager adds to the fund by managing its portfolio, over and above the market’s returns. Alpha returns come from the fund manager’s ability to pick the right securities and also time the entry and exit in those securities well.

Higher the alpha the better it is for investors. However for index funds, whose portfolios are supposed to be replicas of their benchmarks, alpha is not a relevant risk tool.


R-squared tells how similar a fund’s performance is to its benchmark’s; or put differently how much of the performance comes solely from movements in its benchmark. R-squared values range from 0 to 1 and are commonly stated as percentages from 0 to 100%. An R-squared of 100% means all movements of a security are completely explained by movements in the index.

Actively managed funds would be expected to have low R2 since their portfolio would not be identical to their benchmark index and hence their performance would be quite different from the benchmark’s.

To correctly measure a fund’s risk-return in terms of alpha, beta it is important that the selected benchmark has high R2.

Standard deviation (SD)

This measure is used perhaps more than others in gauging a fund’s risk. Standard deviation of a fund, expressed as a percentage, defines how much a fund’s return has varied from its average return. If a fund has higher standard deviation its returns (as calculated from NAV) is expected to be so much more volatile. In short standard deviation of a fund represents the consistency of its performance.

Getting a little deeper into the properties of standard deviation, in most cases the fund’s future returns would fall within one SD 68% of the time, within two SDs 95% and within three SDs 99% of the time. What this means is if a fund has standard deviation of 5 and its average annual return has been 15% then one can expect its returns to lie between 10% and 20% most of the time (or to be accurate 68% of the time) and can expect them to be between 5% and 25% almost all of the time (95% of the time).

Quantum Fund Standard Deviation

Standard deviation of a fund should be studied in comparison with its peer funds - funds of a category having similar portfolio construction.

Risk levels of Quantum’s funds

Here is a graphical comparison of Quantum’s schemes based on the high risk-high return, low risk-low return principle.

Illustrative view

Quantum Mutual Fund Risk Graph
Disclaimer: The above chart is for illustration purpose only

The various BSE and NSE Indices are compiled on factors such as market cap, trading volume, and a broad sector representation. In doing so, the quality of the management - while admittedly a qualitative judgement - is not considered. This, in our view, represents "risk". For the increased "risk" taken, financial theory suggests that investors should get higher returns. By adding an integrity screen to our investment process, the Quantum Long Term Equity Value Fund (QLTEVF) and the Quantum Tax Saving Fund (QTSF) are attempting to reduce such "risks" - and therefore might generate lower returns. To peruse the performance of our schemes please see below. Past Performance may or may not be sustained in the future.

Quantum Liquid Fund which invests primarily in money market securities is expected to be in the low risk category among all funds. Quantum Dynamic Bond Fund invests in debt securities and therefore follows the liquid fund on this chart. Following it are Quantum Gold Savings Fund whose portfolio is mostly composed of units of Quantum Gold Fund (ETF) along with a small exposure to liquid securities, and Quantum Gold Fund (ETF) investing in gold bullion.

Quantum Multi Asset Fund of Funds comes next; its portfolio has exposure to equities, debt and gold.

Farther along the risk chart are the equity funds. Quantum Tax Saving Fund and Quantum Long Term Equity Value Fund are expected to have greater risk than the non-equity funds. Quantum Equity Fund of Funds which invests in a basket of select equity mutual funds features next. Quantum Nifty 50 ETF (QNifty) at the farthest is expected to be in the high risk category among all funds as it replicates the index Nifty 50 in composition and has no active management by fund managers.

In reality however the riskiness of funds - as known from their actual performance studied over periods - may vary from the illustrative chart based on various factors that affect performance such as state of the national economy, climate in global financial markets, exchange rate scenario, etc.

Performance and NAV chart of Quantum Long Term Equity Value Fund (QLTEVF)

Mr. George Thomas is the Fund Manager managing the scheme since April 1, 2022.

Mr. Christy Mathai is the Fund Manager managing the scheme since November 23, 2022.

The following scheme returns (%) shown is as per Direct Plan - Growth Option.

PeriodScheme Returns (%)Tier 1 - Benchmark # Returns (%)Tier 2 - Benchmark ## Returns (%)Additional Benchmark Returns (%) ###Value of investment of Rs. 10,000@
Quantum Long Term Equity Value Fund - Direct Plan - Growth Option

Scheme (Rs.) Tier 1 - Benchmark # Returns (Rs.)Tier 2 - Benchmark ## Returns (Rs.)Additional Benchmark Returns (Rs.) ###
Since Inception (13th Mar 2006)14.78%13.67%13.65%13.01%124,850104,415104,15893,854
June 30, 2014 to June 28, 2024 (10 years)13.53%15.25%15.02%13.46%35,57041,36340,54435,355
June 30, 2017 to June 28, 2024 (7 years)14.24%16.73%16.60%15.75%25,38629,53129,29927,832
June 28, 2019 to June 28, 2024 (5 years)17.50%19.95%19.19%16.34%22,41524,85124,07621,330
June 30, 2021 to June 28, 2024 (3 years)19.70%19.97%19.23%16.09%17,14317,25716,94215,637
June 30, 2023 to June 28, 2024 (1 year)42.50%38.40%36.04%23.77%14,23613,82813,59212,369

# BSE 500 TRI ## BSE 200 TRI ### BSE Sensex TRI.
Past performance may or may not be sustained in the future. Load is not taken into consideration in scheme returns calculation.
@ indicates the current value of Rs. 10,000/- invested at the beginning of a given period
Different Plans have a different expense structure.
Returns are net of total expenses and are calculated on the basis of Compounded Annualized Growth Rate (CAGR).
#with effect from December 01, 2021 Tier 1 benchmark has been updated as S&P BSE 500 TRI. As TRI data is not available since inception of the scheme, benchmark performance is calculated using composite CAGR S&P BSE 500 index PRI Value from March 13, 2006 to July 31, 2006 and TRI Value since August 1, 2006.
##TRI data is not available since inception of the scheme, Tier 2 benchmark performance is calculated using composite CAGR S&P BSE 200 index PRI Value from March 13, 2006 to July 31, 2006 and TRI Value since August 1, 2006.
The Scheme is co-managed by George Thomas and Christy Mathai. Click here for performance details of other funds managed by them.

NAV chart - Quantum Long Term Equity Value Fund - Direct Plan - Growth Option

Quantum Long Term Equity Value Fund Graph
Past Performance may or may not be sustained in the future
Note: NAV & Benchmark data considered for above graph as on June 28, 2024.

Performance and NAV chart of Quantum Liquid Fund (QLF)

Mr. Pankaj Pathak is the Fund Manager managing the scheme since March 01, 2017.

The following scheme returns (%) shown is as per Direct Plan - Growth Option.

PeriodScheme Returns (%)Tier 1 - Benchmark # Returns (%)Tier 2 - Benchmark ## Returns (%)Value of investment of Rs. 10,000@
Quantum Liquid Fund - Direct Plan - Growth Option

Scheme (Rs.)Tier 1 - Benchmark # Returns (Rs.)Tier 2 - Benchmark ## Returns (Rs.)
Since Inception (07th Apr 2006)6.76%6.81%6.08%32,97733,29829,351
June 30, 2014 to June 30, 2024 (10 years)**5.97%6.37%6.28%17,85818,55818,391
June 30, 2017 to June 30, 2024 (7 years)**5.38%5.75%5.73%14,43514,79814,771
June 30, 2019 to June 30, 2024 (5 years)**4.95%5.29%5.27%12,73412,94512,934
June 30, 2021 to June 30, 2024 (3 years)**5.60%5.85%5.04%11,77611,86211,592
June 30, 2023 to June 30, 2024 (1 year)**7.08%7.29%5.73%10,71010,73110,575
May 31, 2024 to June 30, 2024 (1 month)*6.80%6.95%0.00%10,05610,05710,000
June 15, 2024 to June 30, 2024 (15 days)*6.78%6.83%0.00%10,02810,02810,000
June 23, 2024 to June 30, 2024 (7 days)*6.74%6.85%0.00%10,01310,01310,000

# CRISIL Liquid Fund AI Index ## Crisil 1 year T-bill Index
Past performance may or may not be sustained in the future.
@ indicates current value of Rs. 10,000/- invested at the beginning of a given period.
Different Plans have a different expense structure.
* Simple Annualized
** Returns for 1 year and above period are calculated on the basis of Compounded Annualized Growth Rate (CAGR).
Returns are net of total expenses.
The Scheme is managed by Mr. Pankaj Pathak. Click here for performance details of other funds managed by him.

NAV chart - Quantum Liquid Fund - Direct Plan - Growth Option

Quantum Liquid Fund Graph
Past Performance may or may not be sustained in the future
Note: NAV & Benchmark data considered for above graph as on June 28, 2024.

Performance and NAV chart of Quantum Gold Fund (QGF)

Ms. Ghazal Jain is the Fund Manager managing the scheme since June 2, 2020

PeriodScheme Returns (%)Tier 1 - Benchmark # Returns (%)Tier 2 - Benchmark ## Returns (%)Value of investment of Rs. 10,000@
Quantum Gold Fund (ETF)

Scheme (Rs.) Tier 1 - Benchmark # Returns (Rs.)Tier 2 - Benchmark ## Returns (Rs.)
Since Inception (22nd Feb 2008)10.44%11.32%6.34%50,77557,81427,353
June 30, 2014 to June 28, 2024 (10 years)8.70%9.75%7.02%23,02625,37019,716
June 30, 2017 to June 28, 2024 (7 years)12.76%13.81%5.30%23,17424,73714,353
June 28, 2019 to June 28, 2024 (5 years)14.62%15.66%5.50%19,80220,71713,076
June 30, 2021 to June 28, 2024 (3 years)14.43%15.48%4.15%14,97915,39511,296
June 30, 2023 to June 28, 2024 (1 year)22.34%23.53%7.30%12,22812,34610,728

# Domestic Price of Gold ## CRISIL 10 Year Gilt Index
Past performance may or may not be sustained in the future.
@ indicates the current value of Rs.10,000 invested at the beginning of a given period.
Returns are calculated on the basis of Compounded Annualized Growth Rate(CAGR)
The Scheme being Exchange Traded Fund has one plan to invest through stock exchange and having a single expense structure.

NAV chart - Quantum Gold Fund (ETF)

Quantum Gold Fund Graph
Past Performance may or may not be sustained in the future
Note: NAV & Benchmark data considered for above graph as on June 28, 2024.

Performance and NAV chart of Quantum Nifty 50 ETF (QNifty)

Mr. Hitendra Parekh is the Fund Manager managing the scheme since July 10, 2008.

PeriodScheme Returns (%)Tier 1 - Benchmark # Returns (%)Tier 2 - Benchmark ## Returns (%)Value of investment of Rs. 10,000@

Scheme (Rs.) Tier 1 - Benchmark # Returns (Rs.)Tier 2 - Benchmark ## Returns (Rs.)
Since Inception (10th Jul 2008)12.88%12.94%13.00%69,33369,94170,505
June 30, 2014 to June 28, 2024 (10 years)13.35%13.55%13.46%35,01935,66035,355
June 30, 2017 to June 28, 2024 (7 years)15.33%15.54%15.75%27,14227,48127,832
June 28, 2019 to June 28, 2024 (5 years)16.47%16.66%16.34%21,44621,62621,330
June 30, 2021 to June 28, 2024 (3 years)16.45%16.55%16.09%15,78515,82615,637
June 30, 2023 to June 28, 2024 (1 year)26.62%26.74%23.77%12,65412,66612,369

# Nifty 50 TRI ## BSE Sensex TRI
Past performance may or may not be sustained in the future.
@ Indicates the current value of Rs. 10,000/- invested at the beginning of a given period.
The Scheme being Exchange Traded Fund has one plan to invest through stock exchange and having a single expense structure.
Returns are net of total expenses and are calculated on the basis of Compounded Annualized Growth Rate (CAGR).
Dividend of Rs. 80 was declared on 9 March 2018. Scheme return calculated above is inclusive of dividend amount.

NAV chart - Quantum Nifty 50 ETF

Quantum NIFTY ETF Fund Graph
Past Performance may or may not be sustained in the future
Note: NAV & Benchmark data considered for above graph as on June 28, 2024.

Performance and NAV chart of Quantum ELSS Tax Saver Fund (QETSF)

Mr. George Thomas Fund Manager managing the scheme since 1st April 2022.
Mr. Christy Mathai is the Fund Manager managing the scheme since November 23, 2022.

The following scheme returns (%) shown is as per Direct Plan - Growth Option.

PeriodScheme Returns (%)Tier 1 - Benchmark # Returns (%)Tier 2 - Benchmark ## Returns (%)Additional Benchmark ### Returns (%) Value of investment of Rs. 10,000@
Quantum ELSS Tax Saver Fund - Direct Plan - Growth Option

Scheme (Rs.) Tier 1 - Benchmark # Returns (Rs.)Tier 2 - Benchmark ## Returns (Rs.)Additional Benchmark ### Returns (Rs.)
Since Inception (23rd Dec 2008)17.62%17.52%17.30%16.04%124,270122,602119,103100,682
June 30, 2014 to June 28, 2024 (10 years)13.61%15.25%15.02%13.46%35,83341,36340,54435,355
June 30, 2017 to June 28, 2024 (7 years)14.32%16.73%16.60%15.75%25,51729,53129,29927,832
June 28, 2019 to June 28, 2024 (5 years)17.59%19.95%19.19%16.34%22,50524,85124,07621,330
June 30, 2021 to June 28, 2024 (3 years)19.78%19.97%19.23%16.09%17,17617,25716,94215,637
June 30, 2023 to June 28, 2024 (1 year)42.32%38.40%36.04%23.77%14,21913,82813,59212,369

# BSE 500 TRI ## BSE 200 TRI ### BSE Sensex TRI
Past performance may or may not be sustained in the future.
@ indicates the current value of Rs. 10,000/- invested at the beginning of a given period.
Different Plans have a different expense structure.
Returns are net of total expenses and are calculated on the basis of Compounded Annualized Growth Rate (CAGR).
The Scheme is co-managed by George Thomas and Christy Mathai. Click here for performance details of other funds managed by them.

NAV chart - Quantum ELSS Tax Saver Fund - Direct Plan - Growth Option

Quantum ELSS Tax Saver Fund Graph
Past Performance may or may not be sustained in the future
Note : NAV & Benchmark data considered for above graph as on June 28, 2024.

Performance and NAV chart of Quantum Equity Fund of Funds (QEFOF)

Mr. Chirag Mehta is the Fund Manager managing the scheme since November 01, 2013.

The following scheme returns (%) shown is as per Direct Plan - Growth Option.

PeriodScheme Returns (%)Tier 1 - Benchmark # Returns (%)Tier 2 - Benchmark ## Returns (%)Value of investment of Rs. 10,000@
Quantum Equity Fund of Funds - Direct Plan - Growth Option

Scheme (Rs.) Tier 1 - Benchmark # Returns (Rs.)Tier 2 - Benchmark ## Returns (Rs.)
Since Inception (20th Jul 2009)14.98%14.28%13.18%80,61473,59463,715
June 30, 2014 to June 28, 2024 (10 years)14.32%15.02%13.46%38,13740,54435,355
June 30, 2017 to June 28, 2024 (7 years)14.42%16.60%15.75%25,67329,29927,832
June 28, 2019 to June 28, 2024 (5 years)17.59%19.19%16.34%22,50024,07621,330
June 30, 2021 to June 28, 2024 (3 years)18.07%19.23%16.09%16,45016,94215,637
June 30, 2023 to June 28, 2024 (1 year)36.43%36.04%23.77%13,63113,59212,369

# BSE 200 TRI ## BSE Sensex TRI
Past performance may or may not be sustained in the future. Load is not taken into consideration in scheme returns calculation.
@ shows the current value of Rs. 10,000/- invested at the beginning of a given period.
Different Plans have a different expense structure.
Returns are net of total expenses and are calculated on the basis of Compounded Annualized Growth Rate (CAGR).
The Scheme is managed by Chirag Mehta. Click here for performance details of other funds managed by him.

NAV chart - Quantum Equity Fund of Funds - Direct Plan - Growth Option

Quantum Equity Fund of Funds Graph
Past Performance may or may not be sustained in the future
Note: NAV & Benchmark data considered for above graph as on June 28, 2024.

Performance and NAV chart of Quantum Gold Savings Fund (QGSF)

Mr. Chirag Mehta is the Fund Manager managing the scheme since May 19, 2011.

The following scheme returns (%) shown is as per Direct Plan - Growth Option.

PeriodScheme Returns (%)Tier 1 - Benchmark # Returns (%)Tier 2 - Benchmark ## Returns (%)Value of investment of Rs. 10,000@
Quantum Gold Savings Fund - Direct Plan - Growth Option

Scheme (Rs.) Tier 1 - Benchmark # Returns (Rs.)Tier 2 - Benchmark ## Returns (Rs.)
Since Inception (19th May 2011)8.14%9.39%6.66%27,92732,45623,297
June 30, 2014 to June 28, 2024 (10 years)8.51%9.75%7.02%22,64425,37019,716
June 30, 2017 to June 28, 2024 (7 years)12.78%13.81%5.30%23,20924,73714,353
June 28, 2019 to June 28, 2024 (5 years)15.00%15.66%5.50%20,13320,71713,076
June 30, 2021 to June 28, 2024 (3 years)14.32%15.48%4.15%14,93415,39511,296
June 30, 2023 to June 28, 2024 (1 year)22.84%23.53%7.30%12,27712,34610,728

# Domestic Price of Gold ## CRISIL 10 Year Gilt Index
Past performance may or may not be sustained in the future.
@ shows the current value of Rs. 10,000/- invested at the beginning of a given period.
Different Plans have a different expense structure.
Returns are net of total expenses and are calculated on the basis of Compounded Annualized Growth Rate (CAGR).
This scheme is managed by Chirag Mehta. Click here for performance details of other funds managed by him.

NAV chart - Quantum Gold Savings Funds - Direct Plan

Quantum Gold Saving Fund Graph
Past Performance may or may not be sustained in the future
Note: NAV & Benchmark data considered for above graph as on June 28, 2024.

Performance and NAV chart of Quantum Multi Asset Fund of Funds (QMAFOF)

Mr. Chirag Mehta managing the scheme since May 19, 2011.

The following scheme returns (%) shown is as per Direct Plan - Growth Option.

PeriodScheme Returns (%)Tier 1 - Benchmark # Returns (%)Tier 2 - Benchmark ## Returns (%)Value of investment of Rs. 10,000@
Quantum Multi Asset Fund of Funds - Direct Plan - Growth Option

Scheme (Rs.) Tier 1 - Benchmark # Returns (Rs.)Tier 2 - Benchmark ## Returns (Rs.)
Since Inception (11th Jul 2012)9.98%10.83%14.93%31,25334,25152,935
June 30, 2014 to June 28, 2024 (10 years)9.41%10.53%13.46%24,58327,23235,355
June 30, 2017 to June 28, 2024 (7 years)9.73%11.52%15.75%19,15921,44827,832
June 28, 2019 to June 28, 2024 (5 years)10.83%12.25%16.34%16,73417,83521,330
June 30, 2021 to June 28, 2024 (3 years)11.14%11.75%16.09%13,72413,95115,637
June 30, 2023 to June 28, 2024 (1 year)18.24%17.47%23.77%11,81911,74112,369

# CRISIL Dynamic Bond Fund AIII Index (20%) + CRISIL Liquid Fund AI Index (25%) + Nifty 50 TRI (40%) + Domestic price of Gold (15%) ## BSE Sensex TRI
Past performance may or may not be sustained in the future. Load is not taken into consideration in scheme returns calculation.
Different Plans shall have a different expense structure.
Returns are net of total expenses and are calculated on the basis of Compounded Annualized Growth Rate (CAGR).
It is a customized index and it is rebalanced daily.
The Scheme is managed by Chirag Mehta. Click here for performance details of other funds managed by them.

NAV chart - Quantum Multi Asset Fund of Funds - Direct Plan

Quantum Multi Asset Fund Graph
Past Performance may or may not be sustained in the future
Note: NAV & Benchmark data considered for above graph as on June 28, 2024.

Performance and NAV chart of Quantum Dynamic Bond Fund (QDBF)

Mr. Pankaj Pathak is the Fund Manager managing the scheme since March 01, 2017.

The following scheme returns (%) shown is as per Direct Plan - Growth Option.

PeriodScheme Returns (%)Tier 1 - Benchmark # Returns (%)Tier 2 - Benchmark ## Returns (%)Value of investment of Rs. 10,000@
Quantum Dynamic Bond Fund - Direct Plan - Growth Option

Scheme (Rs.) Tier 1 - Benchmark # Returns (Rs.)Tier 2 - Benchmark ## Returns (Rs.)
Since Inception (19th May 2015)7.87%7.59%6.39%19,96219,49517,592
June 30, 2017 to June 28, 2024 (7 years)6.56%6.79%5.30%15,60315,83614,353
June 28, 2019 to June 28, 2024 (5 years)6.98%7.05%5.50%14,01614,06213,076
June 30, 2021 to June 28, 2024 (3 years)6.52%5.49%4.15%12,08411,73711,296
June 30, 2023 to June 28, 2024 (1 year)8.70%7.37%7.30%10,86710,73510,728

# CRISIL Dynamic Bond Fund AIII Index ## CRISIL 10 Year Gilt Index
Past performance may or may not be sustained in the future.
@ shows the current value of Rs. 10,000/- invested at the beginning of a given period.
Different Plans have a different expense structure.
Returns are net of total expenses and are calculated on the basis of Compounded Annualized Growth Rate (CAGR).
The Scheme is managed by Mr. Pankaj Pathak. Click here for performance details of other funds managed by him.

NAV chart - Quantum Dynamic Bond Fund - Direct Plan - Growth Option

Quantum Dynamic Bond Fund Graph
Past Performance may or may not be sustained in the future
Note: NAV & Benchmark data considered for above graph as on June 28, 2024.

Performance and NAV chart of Quantum India ESG Equity Fund (QESG)

Mr. Chirag Mehta is the Fund Manager managing the scheme since July 12, 2019.
Ms. Sneha Joshi is the Associate Fund Manager managing the scheme since July 12, 2019.

The following scheme returns (%) shown is as per Direct Plan - Growth Option.

PeriodScheme Returns (%)Tier 1 - Benchmark # Returns (%)Tier 2 - Benchmark ## Returns (%)Value of investment of Rs. 10,000@
Quantum INDIA ESG Equity Fund - Direct Plan - Growth Option

Scheme (Rs.) Tier 1 - Benchmark # Returns (Rs.)Tier 2 - Benchmark ## Returns (Rs.)
Since Inception (12th Jul 2019)19.14%18.76%16.85%23,88023,50321,681
June 30, 2021 to June 28, 2024 (3 years)14.73%15.69%16.09%15,09515,47815,637
June 30, 2023 to June 28, 2024 (1 year)29.10%32.82%23.77%12,90113,27212,369

# NIFTY100 ESG TRI ## BSE Sensex TRI
Past performance may or may not be sustained in the future.
@ shows the current value of Rs. 10,000/- invested at the beginning of a given period.
Load is not taken into consideration in Scheme returns calculation.
Different Plans shall have a different expense structure.
Returns are net of total expenses and are calculated on the basis of Compounded Annualized Growth Rate (CAGR).
The Scheme is managed by Chirag Mehta and Sneha Joshi. Click here for performance details of other funds managed by Chirag Mehta.

NAV chart - Quantum INDIA ESG Equity Fund - Direct Plan - Growth Option

Quantum India ESG Equity Fund Graph
Past Performance may or may not be sustained in the future
Note: NAV & Benchmark data considered for above graph as on June 28, 2024.

Performance and NAV chart of Quantum Nifty 50 ETF Fund of Fund (QNFOF)

Mr. Hitendra Parekh is the Fund Manager managing the scheme since August 05, 2022.

The following scheme returns (%) shown is as per Direct Plan - Growth Option.

PeriodScheme Returns (%)Tier 1 - Benchmark # Returns (%)Tier 2 - Benchmark ## Returns (%)Value of investment of Rs. 10,000@
Quantum Nifty 50 ETF Fund of Fund - Direct Plan - Growth Option

Scheme Returns - (Rs.) Tier 1 - Benchmark # Returns (Rs.)Tier 2 - Benchmark ## Returns (Rs.)
Since Inception (05th Aug 2022)19.38%19.78%18.76%14,00614,09413,867
June 30, 2023 to June 28, 2024 (1 year)26.32%26.74%23.77%12,62412,66612,369

# Nifty 50 TRI ## S&P BSE Sensex TRI
Past performance may or may not be sustained in the future.
Load is not taken into consideration in Scheme returns calculation.
Different Plans shall have a different expense structure.
The Schemes has been in existence for more than 1 year but has not yet completed 3 and 5 years period.
Returns are calculated on the basis of Compounded Annualized Growth Rate(CAGR).
Mr. Hitendra Parekh manages 2 Scheme of the Quantum Mutual Fund.

NAV chart - Quantum Nifty 50 ETF Fund of Fund - Direct Plan - Growth Option

Quantum Nifty 50 ETF Fund of Fund Graph
Past Performance may or may not be sustained in the future
Note: NAV & Benchmark data considered for above graph as on June 28, 2024.

Performance and NAV chart of Quantum Small Cap Fund (QSCF)

Mr. Chirag Mehta is the Fund Manager managing the scheme since November 03, 2023.
Ms. Abhilasha Satale is the Associate Fund Manager managing the scheme since November 03, 2023.

The following scheme returns (%) shown is as per Direct Plan - Growth Option.

PeriodScheme Returns (%)Tier 1 - Benchmark # Returns (%)Additional Benchmark ## Returns (%)Value of investment of Rs. 10,000@
Quantum Small Cap Fund - Direct Plan - Growth Option

Scheme Returns - (Rs.) Tier 1 - Benchmark # Returns (Rs.)Additional Benchmark ## Returns (Rs.)
Since Inception (03rd Nov 2023)18.10%38.81%30.47%11,81013,88113,047

# BSE 250 SmallCap TRI ## Nifty SmallCap 250 TRI
Past performance may or may not be sustained in the future.
Load is not taken into consideration in Scheme returns calculation.
Different Plans shall have a different expense structure.
Returns are calculated on the basis of Compounded Annualized Growth Rate(CAGR).
The Scheme is managed by Chirag Mehta and Abhilasha Satale.

NAV chart - Quantum Small Cap Fund - Direct Plan - Growth Option

Quantum Small Cap Fund Graph
Past Performance may or may not be sustained in the future
Note: NAV & Benchmark data considered for above graph as on June 28, 2024.

Performance and NAV chart of Quantum Multi Asset Allocation Fund (QMAAF)

Mr. Chirag Mehta is the Fund Manager managing the scheme since November 03, 2023.
Mr. Pankaj Pathak is the Fund Manager managing the scheme since March 07, 2024.

The following scheme returns (%) shown is as per Direct Plan - Growth Option.

PeriodScheme Returns (%)Tier 1 - Benchmark # Returns (%)Value of investment of Rs. 10,000@
Quantum Multi Asset Allocation Fund - Direct Plan - Growth Option

Scheme Returns - (Rs.) Tier 1 - Benchmark # Returns (Rs.)
Since Inception (07th Mar 2024)6.30%5.57%10,63010,557

Past performance may or may not be sustained in the future. Load is not taken into consideration in Scheme returns calculation.
Different Plans shall have a different expense structure.
Returns are calculated on the basis of Compounded Annualized Growth Rate(CAGR).
The Scheme is managed by Chirag Mehta and Pankaj Pathak.

NAV chart - Quantum Multi Asset Allocation Fund - Direct Plan - Growth Option

Quantum Multi Asset Allocation Graph
Past Performance may or may not be sustained in the future
Note: NAV & Benchmark data considered for above graph as on June 28, 2024.

Things to know before you sign the dotted line

For an investment experience to be truly satisfying it is important that the investor has basic understanding of features of the scheme being chosen, how it works to generate returns and is aware of risks attached to the investment. This is very important for avoiding mismatch in product chosen vis-à-vis your investment need. But above all it will give investors peace of mind as they are equipped with information to make correct & timely decisions with their investment.

As a Quantum investor here is a general list of what you should have knowledge of while choosing our schemes:

• Expense ratio and exit load of the chosen scheme. Make sure you know how exit load would apply (if in case it would) while redeeming your investment, Cutoff time for NAV applicability during subscription, redemption, switch transactions and the turnaround time for processing these transactions. NAV affects the number of units you’d be allotted during subscription and investment value on redemption.

• Tax implications on different schemes as may be applicable on your returns from the investment.

• Nature and extent of risk attached to the scheme chosen. Understand that mutual funds are pass through medium which invest money pooled from investors in market securities and pass on whatever returns are generated back to investors after deducting their fees (expense ratio). Thus mutual fund returns are not guaranteed.
The product label of schemes denotes their comparative risk. Investors should be aware of their risk appetite which is usually a function of their investment goal and time horizon, and choose funds whose investment objective is suited to help them achieve their goal.

• Policies and procedures of Grievance Redressal and Dispute Resolution at Quantum Mutual Fund.

The offer documents of a mutual fund scheme - Scheme Information Document, Statement of Additional Information and Key Information Memorandum contain information on all aspects relating to the scheme that an investor should have awareness of. Kindly go through it before making investment. Our executives would be glad too to guide investors whenever assistance is required.

Product Labeling

The riskometer in the Product Label depicts the degree of risk your principal is exposed to when it is invested in a particular scheme. It gives a quick-view of the risk level of your investment.

Name of the SchemeThis product is suitable for investors who are seeking*Risk-o-meter of SchemeRisk-o-meter of Tier 1 - BenchmarkRisk-o-meter of Tier 2 - Benchmark
Quantum Long Term Equity Value Fund

(An Open Ended Equity Scheme following a Value Investment Strategy)

Primary Benchmark: BSE 500 TRI
• Long term capital appreciation

• Invests primarily in equity and equity related securities of companies in BSE 200 index.
Very High Risk
Investors understand that their principal will be at Very High Risk
Very High RiskVery High Risk
Quantum ELSS Tax Saver Fund

(An Open Ended Equity Linked Saving Scheme with a Statutory Lock in of 3 years and Tax Benefit)

Primary Benchmark: BSE 500 TRI
• Long term capital appreciation

• Invests primarily in equity and equity related securities of companies in BSE 200 index and to save tax u/s 80 C of the Income Tax Act. Investments in this product are subject to lock in period of 3 years.

Investors understand that their principal will be at Very High Risk
Moderately High RiskVery High Risk
Name of the SchemeThis product is suitable for investors who are seeking*Risk-o-meter of SchemeRisk-o-meter of Tier 1 - Benchmark
Quantum Liquid Fund

(An Open-ended Liquid Scheme. A relatively low interest rate risk and relatively low credit risk.)

Primary Benchmark: CRISIL Liquid Fund AI Index
• Income over the short term

• Investments in debt / money market instruments.
Low risk
Investors understand that their principal will be at Low Risk
Low Risk
Quantum Gold Fund

(An Open Ended Scheme Replicating / Tracking Gold)

Primary Benchmark: Domestic Price of Gold
• Long term returns

• Investments in physical gold.
High Risk
Investors understand that their principal will be at High Risk
High Risk
Quantum Nifty 50 ETF

(An Open Ended Scheme Replicating / Tracking Nifty 50 Index)

Primary Benchmark: Nifty 50 TRI
• Long term capital appreciation

• Investments in equity and equity related securities of companies in Nifty 50 Index.

Investors understand that their principal will be at Very High Risk
Moderately High Risk
Quantum India ESG Equity Fund

(An Open ended equity scheme investing in companies following Environment, Social and Governance (ESG) theme)

Primary Benchmark: NIFTY100 ESG TRI
• Long term capital appreciation

• Invests in shares of companies that meet Quantums Environment, Social, Governance (ESG) criteria.
Quantum India ESG Equity Fund Risk Breakdown
Investors understand that their principal will be at Very High Risk
Moderately High Risk
Quantum Equity Fund of Funds

(An Open-ended Fund of Funds scheme Investing in Open Ended Diversified Equity Schemes of Mutual Funds)

Primary Benchmark: BSE 200 TRI
• Long term capital appreciation

• Investments in portfolio of open-ended diversified equity schemes of mutual funds registered with SEBI whose underlying investments are in equity and equity related securities of diversified companies.

Investors understand that their principal will be at Very High Risk
Moderately High Risk
Quantum Gold Savings Fund

(An Open Ended Fund of Fund Scheme Investing in Quantum Gold Fund)

Primary Benchmark: Domestic Price of Gold
• Long term returns

• Investments in units of Quantum Gold Fund - Exchange Traded Fund whose underlying investments are in physical gold.
High Risk
Investors understand that their principal will be at High Risk
High Risk
Quantum Multi Asset Fund of Funds

(An Open Ended Fund of Funds Scheme Investing in schemes of Quantum Mutual Fund)

Primary Benchmark: CRISIL Dynamic Bond Fund AIII Index (20%) + CRISIL Liquid Fund AI Index (25%) + Nifty 50 TRI (40%) + Domestic Price of Gold (15%)
• Long term capital appreciation and current income

• Investments in portfolio of schemes of Quantum Mutual Fund whose underlying investments are in equity , debt / money market instruments and gold.

Investors understand that their principal will be at Moderately High Risk
Moderately High Risk
Quantum Dynamic Bond Fund

(An Open-ended Dynamic Debt Scheme Investing Across Duration. A relatively high interest rate risk and relatively low credit risk.)

Primary Benchmark: CRISIL Dynamic Bond Fund AIII Index
• Regular income over short to medium term and capital appreciation

• Investment in Debt / Money Market Instruments / Government Securities.
Moderate Risk
Investors understand that their principal will be at Moderate Risk
Moderate Risk
Quantum Nifty 50 ETF Fund of Fund

(An Open ended Fund of Fund Scheme investing in units of Quantum Nifty 50 ETF)

Primary Benchmark: Nifty 50 TRI
• Long term capital appreciation

• Investments in units of Quantum Nifty 50 ETF – Exchange Traded Fund

Investors understand that their principal will be at Very High Risk
Moderately High Risk
Quantum Small Cap Fund

(An Open Ended-Equity Scheme Predominantly Investing in Small Cap Stocks)

Primary Benchmark: BSE 250 Small Cap TRI
• Long term capital appreciation

• Investment in Small Cap Stock

Investors understand that their principal will be at Very High Risk.
Moderately High Risk
Quantum Multi Asset Allocation Fund

(An Open-Ended Scheme Investing in Equity & Equity Related Instruments, Debt & Money Market Instruments and Gold Related Instruments)

Tier I Benchmark: NIFTY 50 TRI (40%) + CRISIL Short Duration Debt A-II Index (45%) + Domestic Price of Gold (15%)
• Long term capital appreciation and current income

• Investment in a Diversified Portfolio of Equity & Equity Related Instruments, Debt & Money Market Instruments and Gold Related Instruments

Investors understand that their principal will be at High Risk
Moderately High Risk

* Investors should consult their financial advisers if in doubt about whether the product is suitable for them.
The Risk Level of the Scheme in scheme Risk O Meter is basis its portfolio as on May 31, 2024.
The Risk Level of the Tier I and Tier II Benchmark Index in the Risk O Meter is basis its constituents as on May 31, 2024.
The investors of Quantum Equity Fund of Funds, Quantum Gold Savings Fund, Quantum Multi Asset Fund of Funds and Quantum Nifty 50 ETF Fund of Fund will bear the Scheme expenses in addition to the expenses of other schemes in which Fund of Funds scheme makes investment (subject to regulatory limits).

Potential Risk Class Matrix - Quantum Liquid Fund
Credit Risk →Relatively Low (Class A)Moderate (Class B)Relatively High (Class C)
Interest Rate Risk↓
Relatively Low (Class I)A-I

Moderate (Class II)

Relatively High (Class III)

Potential Risk Class Matrix - Quantum Dynamic Bond Fund
Credit Risk →Relatively Low (Class A)Moderate (Class B)Relatively High (Class C)
Interest Rate Risk↓
Relatively Low (Class I)

Moderate (Class II)

Relatively High (Class III)A-III

Risk Factors: Mutual fund investments are subject to market risks, read all scheme related documents carefully.

Risk Factors and Disclaimer:-

This view expressed in this article does not constitute any guidelines or recommendation on any course of action to be followed by the reader. The views are based on the publicly available information, internally developed data and other sources believed to be reliable. The views are meant for general reading purpose only and are not meant to serve as a professional guide / investment advice / intended to be an offer or solicitation for the purchase or sale of any financial product or instrument or mutual fund units for the readers. Whilst no action has been solicited based upon the information provided herein, due care has been taken to ensure that the facts are accurate and opinions given fair and reasonable. Recipients of this information should rely on information/data arising out of their own investigations. Readers are advised to seek independent professional advice and arrive at an informed investment decision before making any investments. None of The Sponsor, The Investment Manager, The Trustee, their respective directors, employees, affiliates or representatives shall be liable for any direct, indirect, special, incidental, consequential, punitive or exemplary damages, including lost profits arising in any way from the information contained in this document.

Please visit - www.quantumamc.com/disclaimer to read scheme specific risk factors. Investors in the Scheme(s) are not being offered a guaranteed or assured rate of return and there can be no assurance that the schemes objective will be achieved and the NAV of the scheme(s) may go up and down depending upon the factors and forces affecting securities market. Investment in mutual fund units involves investment risk such as trading volumes, settlement risk, liquidity risk, default risk including possible loss of capital. Past performance of the sponsor / AMC / Mutual Fund does not indicate the future performance of the Scheme(s). Statutory Details: Quantum Mutual Fund (the Fund) has been constituted as a Trust under the Indian Trusts Act, 1882. Sponsor: Quantum Advisors Private Limited. (liability of Sponsor limited to Rs. 1,00,000/-) Trustee: Quantum Trustee Company Private Limited Investment Manager: Quantum Asset Management Company Private Limited. The Sponsor, Trustee and Investment Manager are incorporated under the Companies Act, 1956.

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